--- one of my favorites of the year ---
TODAY, I THINK I MIGHT HAVE TURNED THE CORNER. I'm mid-way through my experiment to train like Remco...
... 3 weeks of (for me) massive volume.
Last Saturday, end of week #1, I was pretty tired during the final miles of a 5 hour ride.
Exhaustion lasted through Sunday.
Monday the legs were oooof.
But, Tuesday, I felt pretty darn good...
... at the end of a hilly and peppy 60 miles.
With a cramped day, the only way I could stay on schedule Wednesday was to do two-a-days.
- Sunrise, 90 minutes of steepish climbs at moderate pace.
- PullUps, PushUps and Squats through the day.
- Evening, 2 hours of high Zone 2 rolling terrain.
... it was that second session on the bike where things were clicking.
I felt stong.
Even fresh.
3 days down,
9 hours saddle time.
Should be able to hit 18-20 hours by end of day Saturday.
It's a lot to juggle...
- solid days of work
- helping the kids with their kids
- and being present for Surfergirl
... wouldn't do this forever.
Fun to experiment.
Feeling might dawgawn fortunate.
162.4 lbs
15 hrs sleep (i really do have the flu)
No Strength
00 minutes recovery
180 minutes reading + Journaling