IT USED TO BE SOMETHING TO BE A MILLIONAIRE, it's still something to be a million foot climber. This time of year we get to see all the coolclimbingkids humblebrag about their achievements. And, well, I don't know about you...
... but I think that is totally cool.
Mainly because I've never done it. Nor do I think I could.
I'm typically 600,000-700,000'. About 12,000' per week. This year I'll wind up close to 750,000'. 15,000' per week.
Which is a lot.
My Florida pals are lucky to get 30,000' in a year. Did you ever notice that? Look one of them up... their climbs are overpasses, and the occasional trip where the get some real climbing in.
The Everest in 7 days challenge I did for myself was plenty hard. I was tuckered out the following week.
1,000,000'... one millllyun feet.. is out of my question, especially when I break it down. Then all possibility escapes me.
52 weeks would be 20,000' per week. Which I have completed plenty of times. But not 52 times in a row!
20,000' per week would be 4000' per ride because I ride about 5 days a week. Again, done it plenty of times. But not every single ride.
How do those millionfootaires get it done?
Do they simply have the right stuff?
Can us mere mortals join their coolclimbingkid club?
One thing that would sure help is a superduper featherweight set of ENVE™ Wheels.
Which you could win, if you enter the contest.
And you could get double the entries on any tshirt you purchase between now and December 31st at mid-night.
Here are a few of the choices
One thing you may not know about yours Diesel is I started off in the tshirt business and I've probably printed well over 1,000,000 tshirts at this point.
That's not important.
What's important is super soft cotton we use and special inks you can't feel. Chech 'em out:
Diesel Strong
6 hrs - kids are home
no ride