THERE ARE TWO KINDS OF RACERS, I've been robbed by each. One is flashy, loud and intimidating. The other a sneakybastard. One is easy to spot and track. The other...
... a thief!
Let me tell you of a most glorious and disturbing race.
A few years back I trained all year for an epic 200 mile road race. I was really, really ready.
Fast bike.
Altitude adjusted.
Superior support.
Everything was unfolding according to plan, until I flatted with 45 miles to go.
What followed was one of my most heroic (too much?) efforts ever. A reasonably fast tube change, and a 35 mile chase. 90 minutes on the limit, alone and in the zone.
I attached to the back, took stock of things, calmed my beating heart.
There in plain site was public enemy number one. Multi-time winner of the event, master's state, national and world champ, with the stripes to prove it...
... who'd beaten me soundly the previous spring when I'd ventured up to his territory to feel him out.
As we neared the finish line, I was in perfect position. On his wheel, and he was 2 guys back. I was feeling extremely confident. I had my quarry, I could see the line, I'd practiced specifically for this kind of long, straight, wide-open sprint...
... I was gonna win.
But, there was one problem...
... we weren't going fast enough.
This allowed the robber, in a plain unassuming kit, to slowly roll off the front. I watched the gap open, confident I could still catch and win. But, it kept opening, getting larger and larger until it was too late...
I beat the champ, and finished first loser...
... because I had been distracted by the flashy.
Each style will cut your heart out. One by intimidation, the other by stealth.
Which means two things...
... we have to protect our hearts and...
... we have to choose our own style.
But, don't leave it there. We must be flexible and not hard-hearted. Different racers, terrain, weather...
... require different styles.
Speaking of thievery and style...
... you, too, can rip me off right now!
There are all kinds of colors to choose from...
... and it's BOGO, buy one get one.
Our gloves are superlight. All mesh top, real leather palms.
The socks are made with FastMax compression tech and EZBreathe yarns.
Trust me, they're awesomee!
6ish hrs Sleep
30 PullUps 60 Super PushUps + Kettle Bell
HypberVolt & Stretch
55 minutes reading + journaling