I'D REALLY LIKE TO PICK ON CHRIS FROOME. His nice manners. His Aw shucks, can't believe I won the tour again attitude. His wife sticking up for him in the early days...
... he's just begging for it.
It was all so picture perfect until he fell off his bike on a training ride...
... mangling his leg and other body parts.
So, he wraps us up in the drama of his big come back. I love underdogs, and I almost got sucked in...
... it coulda been so good.
Then, I just read he's gone and hurt his repaired knee by training too hard. He said it had been bothering him for 10 days. 10 days, riding with pain! Now he's gonna spend a bloody week off the bike...
... what kinda rookie move is that?
C'mon man, get your shift together!
There's just one problem with ripping into him in a family friendly place like we have here...
... what if I bumped into him on a ride?
It's not too far-fetched.
I have had the occasional run in with celebrity riders out riding: Cavendish, Phinney, Vails, Hegg, Bahati, Lettieri, Sagan, Van Garderen, Juarez, and more...
... so, what would happen?
It's always the same.
I'm star struck.
They're nice.
We pedal.
And talk.
It's hard as hell to pick on someone once you know them. Realized they're just another cat doing their best in this crazy world of ours.
Maybe he'll write a book one day about his struggles.
Wouldn't that be incredible?
Not the fairytale trash from 2015. I want the heartache of a tragic crash that seems to just keep seeping forward instead of moving to the past.
How he dealt with it.
I mean, at this point, does he really need the money? Couldn't he just retire as the greatest of his generation? Hand up the cleats. Spend time with family.
Get better Chris,
were pulling for you...
... and every other rider dealing with a set back.
You know what else I'd like to see?
His raceday calendar.
It must be scaring the hell outta him, just like Jeremy below.
These are still shipping for free.
Act fast.
8 hrs
20 Pull Ups + 20 Banded PushUps + 20 Banded Squats
Stretch and Hypervolt
60 minutes reading + Journaling