I COULD SEE THE STORM BREWING. Like a crazy fool, I rolled out anyway even though I was certain to...
... get caught in the rain.
Trust me, I am a fair weather rider.
Gimme 70 degrees,
and a lite breeze.
So why ride?
Two reasons.
One embarrassing.
One legit...
- Poorly executed work day
- It rains on raceday
- Commitment
Yeah, I had all this work scheduled and a timeline to follow....
... and, well, ya know, things didn't go as planned.
That's 1.
Since it does rain on raceday, and I've never let that stop me from lining up...
... it's good to practice from time to time.
That's 2.
And I committed to myself to get my slothful self back in shape.
That's 3, a bonus.
So which one's embarrassing?
- crap planning
- useless prep
- silly commitment
Well, I dunno about you...
... but, I'm cool with
- keeping my commitments,
- being prepared for all conditions,
- even when things don't go as planned.
167.4 lbs
7ish hrs sleep
PullUps, PushUps, Split Squats, Shoulder Presses
10 minutes recovery
120 minutes reading + Journaling