I'VE BEEN ASKED TWICE TODAY if I had any feelings of Why me? after my brain injury. And, how did I overcome that? Well, good questions because...
... we all gotta battle through the shiz.
During the darkest days, I only had one thought.
How can I fix this?
We've all been dealt multiple bad hands over the years, and if we think about it...
... we often come through them stronger, better.
It never seems like it at the time.
Our challenges, I believe, are our challenges, for a reason.
As rotten as they appear...
... they are personalized gifts.
If they weren't for our benefit and didn't totally suck,
they'd be easy to overcome,
requiring little effort,
personal growth,
or change.
With that in mind, I set about studying and researching how best to recover from this unplanned set back.
There's plenty of improvement still to be made...
... and that's exciting as hell!
8ish hrs Sleep
20 pullups 60 pushups 15 shoulder presses + other stuff
20 minutes recovery
120 minutes reading + Journaling