BEING A COMMITTED ATHLETE pays all kinds of dividends. Which is cool. What's cooler is deconstructing what we do and...
... seeing how we stack up.
Not against each other.
Just riding
or running
or swimming
won't do it.
For example, we also...
- Eat
- Sleep
- Maintain our equipment
- Study the latest info
- Might have a coach
- Make sure we have proper fit of all our gear
- Fine tune our body mechanics
- Get as aero as possible
- Test hardware
- Train with other committed athletes
- Challenge ourselves, long and short-term
- Have our "day jobs" squared away and thriving
- Prioritize family and friends
... and all that plus a lot more stacks,
compounds and
What can we add, refine, improve so we are truly...
... Ready To Rip On RaceDay.
By the way, I'm getting ready to launch dog tags with one of our sayings on one side and personal info on the other.
Would you like to know when they are ready?
8.5 hrs sleep
PullUps and PushUps only
20 minutes recovery
120 minutes reading + Journaling