THE POWER OF A CHECK LIST is awesome. Not ticking the boxes, for that quick hit of dopamine, there is something even better than...
... getting it done.
Which is the point.
For me, the real power is in the creation of a list.
Exploring and considering...
- each and every angle
- what is needed
- what is fluff
... and building an empowering list.
It's harder than it looks.
But, done correctly...
... discipline is replaced with love and urgency.
Checking the box is dessert...
... one we can enjoy each and every day.
That pic is literally a page from the RaceDay Ready Journal.
163.1 lbs
9ish hrs sleep (9:45 pm-7:20am)
PullUps PushUps Squats
10 minutes recovery
120 minutes reading + Journaling