HEADING INTO THE 2ND HALF OF THE YEAR, and wondering if it could possibly be as good as the first. As far as the racing goes, not likely...
... not just because there are fewer races.
When we throw it in the big chain ring in January, it's hard to be excited in July.
That's a warm clime thing.
But, it's still a thing.
So, how do we stay motivated all year long?
Hard to say.
Why stay motivated all year long?
Hard to say.
Is that even a good idea?
Hard to say.
But, I'll try.
We can stay motivated all year long by having an A race or event once or twice a year.
By being consistent, we never really fall all that far out of peak fitness.
It's a good idea because our overall health will be excellent.
So, why is the second half of this year likely to be less fruitful than the first half?
I'm not sure,
but I think it has to do with a lack of training with purpose.
Gonna have to change that.
7.5 hrs
PushUps, PullUps, Squats
30 minutes journaling and reading