HE DIDN'T JUST SURVIVE. He kept working harder and stayed focused. The ability to stay focused in the midst of crisis is one of his main advantages. No matter what we're up to, the preceding words are ones we'd love to own...
... even when simply racing bikes.
I think that's why I'm loving the Elon Musk biography so much. Because it's written 6 years ago, and we know how much more has been accomplished by working hard and staying focused.
In fact, one of my riding buddies' company is now a vendor for Tesla. He says the pace is insane. The deadlines beyond demanding.
They are accomplishing the impossible.
Simply because the leader has otherworldly goals and knows there is no time to waste.
I received 2 texts today with the same message.
The giant calendar is awesome.
This one belongs to a World Champion Jet Skier and National MTB and CX racer.
Maybe there's something putting your goals to paper and having them front and center?
... and yes, we can make these calendars with your team graphics, sponsors and important dates highlighted.
165.1 lbs
Stretch and Hypervolt
8 hrs sleep