YOUR BIKE HAS A NAME, RIGHT? You've tapped your creativity, right? A bolt of inspiration has struck, right? When you check your stable and decide which one to take out you look 'em in the bars and whisper their names, right?...
... 'cause you're crazy if you don't,
ya gotta respect your rides,
love 'em long time,
bring 'em to life.
It's not like naming a baby where you've got months or years of anticipation, where generations before you might be carried forth with a given name.
Your bike's name will come to you, and only you, after a few rides, maybe a month's worth. The new two-wheeler needs to be ridden. Hard. Easy. Long. Short. Dirtied and cleaned.
I tried to force a name on my new bike. It's a Merz, and I thought Merzy seemed right. But, it didn't. Lame name.
Then Saturday, on the Hardman Invitational it spoke to me. I'm HVY MTL man! We charged over all kinds of surfaces: asphalt, gravel, packed dirt, moon dust.
This is a heavy bike, 25lbs. All metal, everything. Solid. Confident. Strong. I'm so glad I bought it. One purpose was to remind myself that there's plenty of fun to be had on a budget bike.
When it's time to ramble on,
it's me and HVY MTL
C'mon, le's go!