A FRIEND WAS GOING ON AN ON about how his brother had totally failed. The brother had committed to take his lifestyle to the next level. It wasn't going to be enough to get by...
... he wanted to live at the highest levels possible.
Did he make it?
You be the judge.
From where I was sitting, the brother truly had committed.
The results were easy to see...
- health firing
- family thriving
- business providing
- relationship with God and man aligned
... what more is there?
The friend could only see the missteps and shortcomings of his brother.
I think the point of putting ourselves out there, is to...
- be an example
- be held accountable
- show how we deal with failure
... and hopefully inspire others along the way.
Haters think it is an I'm better than you thing instead of the more simple...
... I'm doing my best, and appreciate your encouragement.
Truth is, commitment...
... is our beast of burden.
Every day builds on the next...
... this hat is a good reminder.
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163.9 lbs
8ish hrs sleep (10:30pm-6:30am)
PullUps PushUps Squats n Such
10 minutes recovery
120 minutes reading + Journaling