I'D NEVER BEEN TO NEBRASKA, and I'm not sure Michigan counts as the Great Plains. So let me just get this said up front...
... the people are freakin' awesome.
This place is truly great!
Ok, I'm a little tired, so here's a quick run down of what when good and not so good.
The good.
- Haven't used PR Lotion all year, darn glad I lubed up 2x this morning.
- The Specialized Cruz, with Classified hubs, was perfect. Performed amazing. And the experiment to ditch the road bike and get road wheels for this bike proves, to me, it's hot set up. I never spun out, and had plenty of bottom end to get up the climbs, spinning vs grinding.
- The Continental 45mm tires were excellent, and fast.
- My double-wrapped bars were comfy.
- The Ergon flex seatpost was really nice on the bouncy stuff.
- The Fizik road shoes with MTB adapted cleats were just perfect, zero foot pain.
- Breakfast was great, some yummy Coach's Oats oatmeal with macadamia nuts and blueberries at 5:15 am. Plenty of time to fuel up and digest before 8am start.
- Didn't drink too much prior to the race so I wouldn't need to pee.
- Lined up early. As soon as prior wave was off, I rolled up and slotted into the second row.
- Took all my calories100% via hydration. 5 bottles of CarboRocket, downed them all. 333 calories/bottle. Power was pretty darn good all day.
- Surfergirl was clutch at the only feedzone. I tossed my Camelbak and bottle, and she expertly handed me up 2 fresh bottles. Chilled, I might add.
- When cramps came on, not surprising given the smokin' fast start, I started down Salt Stick and got things under control so I could do, what must have looked like, a super slow sprint.
- Kyle fround a great AirBnB close to the venue, 10 minute bike ride. This is so key, to be close and not be wasting time driving around.
- I slept amazing last night. Hit the hay around 9, got up at 5. Not tossing and turning nerves, probably because I wan't super hopeful on how I'd finish.
The bad.
- While I lined up in a great spot, I kept getting shuffled backwards. It was just like a washing machine up front.
- I was with the main group, but barely.
- One the first climb where there would be a separation, I got separated.
- A crash in front of me, towards the back. If I'd been up front, as planned, I would have missed it. Instead about 7 of us chased for 10 miles, Emilio a bud from home, was with me.
- We did catch on, and then on the next climb, guys crossed wheels, and I had to stop to get around them. Off the back again.
- Now we had a little group of 10 or so, and we rolled along at a strong pace for the last 50 miles.
- At the feedzone I was a little aggressive yelling Two Bottles, TWO BOTTLES! Sorry, babe.
- Coming into the finish, I found myself further up front than and I wanted, sprinted maybe a little early and got passed by a Craig on the line.
The conclusion.
I wasn't sure how I'd finished overall because we started with so many different categories.
Surfergirl said Husband (she calls me that) your time isn't posted.
We walked over to the officials...
Miss, excuse me, my time hasn't posted.
Ok, let me check. What's your number?
A dude stuck his head out of the timing building.
Ugh, we had an issue with the timing. It should you came in fourth...
... but, the photo showed 3rd.
And that my friends, is a great big giant Heckyeah!
8ish hrs
No strength work
0 minutes recovery
0 minutes reading + Journaling