NEARLY 70 YEARS AGO, at the dawn of the software programming age, Army specialists William D. Mellin explained that computers cannot think for themselves...
... sloppily programmed inputs inevitably lead to incorrect outputs.
What does that have to do with my Wahoo?
and everything.
But, before we get there the default phrase is...
... garbage in, garbage out.
Simplified: GIGO
As athletes, what kind of garbage should we avoid?
- processed food
- most breads
- refined sugar
- packaged food
- recreational drugs
- inadequate sleep
- massive amounts of caffeine
- refined sugar
- alcohol
- going hard every single workout
- smoking
- sitting for extended periods
- mindless scrolling
- porn
- refined sugar
- seed oils (I'm not super read up on this one)
What should go in?
Keep it simple.
Eat food who's ingredients you can identify...
- eggs
- vegetables
- fruits
- meats
- nuts
... just by looking at the plate, you know what you're eating.
Get plenty of sleep, and rest. If in question, get more than you think you need...
... simply by going to bed earlier.
Drink plenty of good water, you know so your pee doesn't look like gold the way it does after a super long ride or run or swim.
Vitamins, supplements, etc...
... work with a functional health doctor, start with a blood test.
In a nutshell, when avoiding GIGO...
... remember to K.I.S.S.
Speaking of keeping it super simple...
... I came into a leaf covered turn a little hot today.
this is exactly why I developed a lightweight, breathable glove that can be worn all year long.
Right now, it's buy one pair, get the second pair free.
8.5 hrs
PullUps PushUps Squats
20 minutes recovery
120 minutes reading + Journaling