GOALS CAN BE GREAT. I say "can" because, let's be honest they usually aren't. I have a theory about that and it starts with...
.... easy.
It is so easy to set a goal.
... set 100 goals.
And, that's the problem.
We set 'em like there's...
- the no other goals
- no current commitments
- we have limitless bandwidth
... no impact on our lives.
Having a million goals...
... is like having no goals.
I try and keep it to...
- physical
- business
- social
- spiritual
... one big goal per year.
It's a heckuvalot easier to accomplish one thing than twenty.
And guess what...
... if it's a big enough goal, it might take 5,10, 20 years.
159.2 lbs (yes, this bug I have has evaporated my appetite)
9ish hrs sleep (9:30pm-6:15am)
1 round of PullUps PushUps DeadLifts
10 minutes recovery
60 minutes reading + Journaling