FUNK #49
IT WAS A WICKED 48 DEGREES (that’s Fahrenheit for all my international readers), but when you roll out in just a jersey and bibs, in the dark… well dawgawnit, that’s pretty damn cold.
So why do my friends up the Rocky Mountain Way gotta be calling me wimpy on my STARVA feed?
I was cold enough to Turn To Stone on my bike ride, poorly dressed as I was.
At least I didn’t Walk Away.
This isn’t A Life of Illusion after all. My toes and hands were freezin’.
Honestly fellas, Life’s Been Good… and I’m just glad you’re checking up on me.
Maybe it’ll be a Funky #49 tomorrow.
Save the dates: HUNKR 3/17, 6/9, 11/10 – TMWC 7/10