IS THIS THE LIFE? My buddy and his posse get a police escort on all their group rides followed by 2 sag vehicles and an ambulance. He said we can join him any time we want. Do you want in?
The reach of our group ride is international... and the invitation is real.
Here it is:
TMWC-ers. It’s been a year now since I left SoCal. Definitely missed riding the Tuesday Morning World Championship. Missed every bit of it....the burns punching the A route stinger...the hurt up the wall...the desperation trying to latch on Chris and Todd wheels on the descent...the sinking feeling seeing Peter catapulting the corkscrew...and ohhh did I mention the muscles aching on Tuesday afternoon! It’s never been the same for me. In case you were wondering, I think I have finally adjusted to the new way of life here. Although at times I still wonder how I am finally able to manage tolerating 30 minutes commute for 4 miles. After all Jakarta is the world’s third most populated metro (For comparison NYC and LA were 16th and 30th!) So the group ride here starts early....5.30am including weekend and public holiday. There was a period of time when I thought I was going to give up cycling simply ‘cuz it wasn’t worth waking up that early...that thought quickly ended after seeing my scale went up 15lbs in two months. So I’m back at it (or at least trying). More cyclists here than I had expected. Many fancy bikes and kits. Wide varieties...from culinary cyclists (eat way more calories during a ride than burning it) to pros wanna-be. As for me, I ride much more leisurely now...there’s a group ride I regularly join about three times a week....and i’m spoilt by the escorts (three cops, a couple support vehicles and an ambulance plus cameramen). Here’s a video of one recent weekend ride and I’m still sporting the HUNKR kits! Cheers and hope to ride again with you soon.
We've been blessed to meet a lot of great people on our weekly social ride. I miss Hartono's kindness, enthusiasm and honest appreciation for life.
Maybe there's a HUNKR Jakarta in the future?