IT'S FRIDAY NIGHT. Most folks are enjoying the evening, staying up a little later. Cutting loose. Not us. The garage lights are on, there's a race tomorrow...
... and a lotta wrenching to be done.
That's how it was a my pal's tonight.
He's reached a place few racers ever do.
He's got a racing family.
Which means, when I got over there to drop something off at 9pm he was...
prepping all the bikes,
while mama and babies were tucked in...
... and he was loving it!
There's not much better than a quiet garage, a good set of tools, and knowing your rig is ready to rip...
... and your family is gonna be racing with you in the morning.
Good luck to y'all!™
Of course, a racing family vs a racing individual takes a lot more coordination, especially if only part of the crew is racing.
That's where the giant RaceDay Calendar™ comes in soooo handy.
If you're into getting the support team onboard with your season, there's nothing better than the few remaining RaceDay Calendars™.
And, they're still shipping for free.™
7.3 hrs
15 Pull Ups + 24 Power PushUps + 20 Heavy Squats
20 minutes recovery
60 minutes reading + Journaling