ONE OF THE MORE ENTERTAINING PARTS OF OUR LOCAL GROUP RIDE IS BRINGING THE NEWGUY. Today's newguy certainly looked the part: svelte, stylish, confident. You know the type...
... no fat, gold shoes, effortlessly navigating our galloping herd.
I've seen a lot of newguys start out like that.
Just fine.
But, the cumulative effect of multiple surges, not knowing the course, not knowing the players from the fakers can wear newguy down. Just like that, spunky turns to spongy. Bouncing off the front to soggy off the back.
Which is why it's so entertaining for yours Diesely.
Kindly, I let him know what was coming.
Turn ahead,
watch that dip,
5 minutes of pain.
Just being friendly, in a voyeur sorta way.
Now you might be thinking that I was thinking, can't wait 'till he blows. Noooo, not little ol' me. Why would I hope for newguy to blow and roll in with debris like me? That wouldn't be nice, or gentlemanly, or even mature.
Nope, it was more of a self-bet.
I'll bet he gets ejected on the wall.
That's a safe bet. Real safe. Everybody gets ejected on the wall.
But not this newguy. Hellno!
He popped around me and everyone between me and the front like a humming bird pollinating beautiful blooms on a bright spring morning.
When The Old Diesel finally finished, I did what every spongy, soggy piece of debris should do...
... Great to meet ya Fern! Keep coming, we need more guys like you.
Because, you know
It's just a social ride.
To reinforce the friendliness of our little ol' ride I thought I'd highlight the socialness on the sleeves for this year's kit.
Check it out.
Now, if you're unfamiliar with our gear:
- We make it to order
- In the USA
- With the best Italian fabrics
- The best Japanese zippers
- And a pad so delicious you'll never ride another bib again.
Yes, it's sexy as hell.
Yes, you can wear it even if you never do the ride... in fact, we highly encourage you to start your own TMWC. A few people have done just that.
This promo code will expire in 2 weeks: TMWCNEWGUY
163.4 lbs
Stretch and HyperVolt
6 hours sleep <- that cost me at least 100 watts