WHEN IT COMES TO GETTING FASTER, it's easy to go down the free speed rabbit hole. So many variables, so hard to prove valid...
... we can be such suckers for marketing.
Then, there's the flippin' placebo effect.
... what's a credit card wheelin', lycra-clad, speed junkie to do?
There are sites like Zero Friction,
YouTubers like Dylan Johnson,
the local speed freak.
Plus, e-zines and sites gettin' us (am I the only one?) all hyped up to buy some free speed.
Which brings up the truth.
It ain't free.
In many cases, think...
... arm and a leg pricing.
If I had to rank 'em, assuming the frame is appropriate...
- Wheels, Bearings & Tires
- Drivetrain - BB, chain, wax
- Helmet
- Apparel
- Shoes
... on the equipment side.
Nutrition is essential, and there are some neat on the bike eating and fueling secrets and products to be had.
Don't forget or neglect recovery: sleep, massage, nutrition, etc.
The good stuff can be startlingly better.
Do thy research...
... and spend wisely (cash only, no cc's).
12 hrs sleep (still fighting this bug)
0 strength work
0 minutes recovery
120 minutes reading + Journaling