I FOLLOW PETER ATTIA. He's a longevity expert, ex-time trial racer. A good dude, with a good heart, and some good info. But, when I saw the latest post on Overcoming Depression, I had to disagree...
... because I've battled depression.
Oh there's the little things, all my friends are faster and have better bikes. The medium things, work is hardashell and everyone else is making money in their sleep. And the big stuff...
... disharmony at home being chief.
Riding can and does certainly help...
... but, it's not enough.
The very best thing I've found to cure depression...
... is to help someone else.
My friend Todd D carries a bar or bagel or $20 on every ride, and hands out to those in need.
I saw him do this on the Nosco charity ride once.
There we are, ripping in this fantastic paceline heading into a formidable climb...
... and he pulls over.
I pulled up and soft pedaled.
What happened?
I saw a hungry man.
What did you do?
Gave him my food.
I'll never forget that. There was no show, no big announcement...
... just a human helping a human.
Then he told me it's something he is prepared for on every ride...
... and it always lifts his spirits.
Riding with my friends and being challenged physically is also a go to activity to cure any wo-is-me's...
... and the Surf-N-Summit is sure to be challenging.
That's why the finishers get one of these supertech-t's
Use this code, 22SRFnSMMT, it will save you 20%, and will expire on 8/31.
Only 10 spots left.
I hope you can make it.
160.6 lbs.
7 hrs
60% Body Water
1 Strength rotation
30 minutes recovery
90 minutes reading + Journaling