T'WAS THE NIGHT BEFORE RACEDAY and all through the van,
one creature was stirring, an anxious fit man
the race plate was hung on the bars with care
in the hopes that the start line would soon be there...
... that's how it feels the night before.
We shine things up, pick out our favorite clothes.
Then, for me at least, it is time to go to my laboratory where the mild mannered Dr. Jekyll in me will prepare the final recipe for ripping.
Being on point with the nutrition is critical to being able to start strong...
... and finish strong.
I pre-rode the course today in 2 1/2 hours. I was really softpedaling. I expect tomorrow to be significantly faster.
But, how much faster?
Will I need 1 bottle per lap or 2?
It will be 50 degrees at the start, warming up to mid-60s by the finish.
What is the best way to consume 300 calories per hour?
The start is gonna be nuts. Full sprint for 5 minutes to try and get to the single track in front. The first 3 miles of singletrack are pretty much impossible to pass on. 10 miles in it opens up quite a bit and it should be easy to eat and drink from there on.
Don't tell anybody, ok?
I'm going to start with 1 bottle of 400 calories of Skratch Superfuel, plus 4 Honey Stinger waffles.
On lap two, I'll have 2 more bottles with 300 calories each. One with caffeine.
Also on board will be my Salt Stick tabs.
The catalyst for all that will be my TFNB playlist
If that don't turn me into Mr Ryde, nothing will.
It's never too late to make your year great.
Ain't nothing like have a GIANT CALENDAR to confront you with the reality that life goes fast and you are wasting it if you're not planning it.
No excuses to not have something challenging planned, and well-executed.
Any Dr. can tell you the benefits of an Evil plan to kickarse.
162.9 (? traveling, no scale)
7.5 hrs
0 Pull Ups + 0 PushUps + 0 Heavy Squats
20 minutes recovery
15 minutes reading + Journaling