THERE IS A REASON I AM CONSTANTLY REPEATING Keep Challenging Yourself and it has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that...
... you're not being challenged every day.
We all are.
Life is truly hard.
What I'm really saying is Don't fall for the I'll be happy when I...
- win the big A race
- beat my friends
- snag a PR
- a KOM
... you'll never be happy with those accomplishments, because there is always someone faster, something harder, just out of reach.
Just be happy now,
with the things that really matter.
I go into greaert detail in the chapter called All You Can Do of my book, The Way of The RACER...
... the book is free, just cover the shipping.
7.5 hrs
17.3% b.f.
60.4% h2o
2 Strength Circuits
20 minutes recovery
90 minutes reading + Journaling