MILES JUST AREN'T THE SAME as in a car. Whether we are running or riding, they are almost...
... always impossibly enjoyable.
We plie 'em up to embarrassing amounts.
Who far'd you ride?
I dunno, 4 or 5 hours.
Yeah, but how far?
Hmmm, 60, 80, maybe a hundred.
I don't know about you, but all I ever get after that type of exchange is the...
... you're f'ing crazy, dude.
Therefore, I propose a code.
Since 70 miles, feels like driving 10 trapped in the confines of a car...
... let's divide by 7.
Kinda like multiplying by 7 to calculate a dog's age.
How far'd you ride?
Oh, about 10 miles.
Wow, that's great.
10.5 hrs sleep (still so sick)
No strength work
0 minutes recovery
180 minutes reading + Journaling