HOW ARE WE SUPPOSED TO DO THE UNTHINKABLE, when it's unthinkable? Talk about a paradox. What it really means is...
... go way beyond the comfortable.
The great Wende Cragg captured the unthinkable...
- riding to a mountain top under a full-moon to watch the sunrise
- coaster brakes so hot they smoke after a downhill
- helmetlessly racing klunkers in jeans
... the birth of mountain biking.
50 years ago, her Pentax camera, snapped and preserved everything those...
... crazy pioneers were living.
The lifestyle.
Her documentary - click here - is as inspirational as it is mesmerizing.
Watch it.
It's got me thinking it might be a wholotta fun to get the hard training done M-F, and...
... use that fitness for adventure on the weekend.
162.7 lbs
7ish hrs sleep (1030pm-530am)
1 round of PullUps PushUps DeadLifts
10 minutes recovery
90 minutes reading + Journaling