THERE ARE A LOT OF WAYS TO GET FIRED UP FOR A RACE. Energy drinks, music mix, mantras, a wise coach...
... my all time favorite is disrespect.
But, it takes work.
Just a little.
Because most people are really nice, and good natured...
... which means I have to manufacture something.
Just this week, I was standing on the start line for Nationals. The announcer calls up the racers with the most points and the get their choice of where to start - not me. But, before that happens, a guy with teammates iin the race is telling the guy right next to me who to watch, who's fast, who's the best descender he's ever seen...
... bro, I'm standing right here.
He didn't mean anything by it, but I take that stuff and...
... it's like gasoline on my already fireduptorace spirit.
Trust me, you have no idea the amount of things I can conjure up...
the way you size me up out of the corner of your eye
your friend's innocent comments
the colors you're wearing
your tattoos
your hair
your smile
your fan section
the way you snaked me in parking
your humble and meek and kind demeanor
... I'll find something.
I always do.
I'm not sure if it's any less healthy than a giant jolt of caffeine, but I like it. It's free. Surfergirl and I laugh about it...
... it's all in fun, part of the prep.
You might hate my matching gloves and socks, but you'd be crazy. Just today, John and his daugher Addie stopped me at the races.
We'd never met in person, but they are fans of what we do.
John - Best gloves ever, I have 5 pair and 2 freshies ready to go.
Addie (she got 5th in XC!) - I love your gloves because I never think about them once they are on.
I'm partial to red... maybe because it helps me to see red!!
There are lots of options.
Did you know, if you purchase the gloves and the socks together, the socks are free when you check out?
No promo code needed.
6.1 hrs (campfire stories and early race)
Body Water 61.3%
2 Rounds of Strength Circuit
20 minutes recovery
45 minutes reading + Journaling