CONTINUING THE THEME OF HOW I PREFER FRIENDS WHO TRY TO KILL ME, my sassy daughter took her best swing at me today. It was her chance to...
... try and put me to shame.
We met at TrainInsane, and yes they had some insane moves.
This is what makes cross training so weird. We are fit and strong...
... until we do something super awkward, that we'd never do in real life.
Like one foot in a stirrup while doing a single leg squat.
This was a DaddyDaughter Challenge and I gotta say, if we are going on form she killed me here.
On the cardio it was Dad for the win.
The rest of the exercises were straight forward and awesome.
- 30" box jump (pretty stoked about this one)
- Running while dragging partner tethered with a band
- Squats
- Sled
- PushUps
- Punching bag
- Kneel on Bosu doing dumbbell curls
- Romanian squat with tricep extension
The big takeaways for me?
- My daughter is a badass
- Riding, running and RaceDay Ready have me set to take on any challenge.
Ave HR 122 - including stretching
Max HR 165 - I was legit gassed at one point
Plus it was fun to see the besties get their dads to the gym.
The ladycoaches were impressed...
... if you have any doubts about your ability, take the challenge.
8 hrs Sleep
55 minutes strength
20 minutes recovery
60 minutes reading + Journaling