DAVID GOGGINS, THE ULTRA-RUNNER/NAVY SEAL/ARMY RANGER/AIR FORCE RECON/PULL UP RECORD HOLDER/ALL AROUND BADASS says he stretches for 2 hours every evening to undo all the damage he's put his body through. I'm not that crazy...
... but my routine ain't nothing.
I think about him, well his book Can't Hurt Me, a lot... especially when I'm not feeling it, and other times when I'm feeling my own aches.
My basic end of day routine:
1 min plank
1 min weird back thing I learned
1 min side plank
1 min superman
1 min other side plank
5-10 minutes stretching
10 minutes HyperVolt
I'm beginning with the end because... well, it's the end of the day.
Most mornings I ride, then force myself to do:
10 pull ups
30 push ups
I never enjoy those pull ups and push ups. Never. But, when I'm done I'm pumped!
Other mornings I jam though 2-4 runs of Diesel Strong:
Jumping Jacks
Jump up the stairs 3 at a time
Max pull ups
Weighted Burpess
These 7 moves I do every Wednesday... and some Mondays and Fridays, if I have time.
It's good to be strong and flexible.
Good for the bike riding...
... and good just in case your better half wants you to load 1000 lbs of blankets into the van... which I did in just under 45 minutes.
Maybe you're like me... I'm always counting how many reps I've done.
Or maybe you're the count down type...
... like we're counting 10 more days to get entered into the $3000 ENVE™ Wheel Giveaway
Have you entered?
Diesel Strong
7.5 hrs