WHEN PLANNING OUT THE TRAINING, it's super helpful to have a large wall calendar. Smaller calendars are okay, too. For sure, avoid my go to form...
... the ever lame, in my head.
That's just plain...
- easy
- lazy
- dumb
... otherwise known as...
- winging it
- hoping
- unpro
... not us.
First, put in the milestones...
- Family vacations and events
- Work trips and commitments
... then, add in the A events.
Now, we can look at when...
- we can do the big training blocks
- it makes the most sense to have a rest week
- and a few B and C events that would be great prep
... that's the truly big picture.
The best way to visualize and predict the future.
We still have a few of these, and I'm blowing them out for $15, with free shipping.
7 hrs sleep
PullUps and PushUps
10 minutes recovery
30 minutes reading + Journaling