THANKFULLY, I WASN'T FORCED TO BRAVE THE WEATHER CHANNEL'S PREDICTED DOOM. The chill was even gone, roads on the drying side of wet.
From my perch, I could see squalls to the north and south.
It'd be a HVY MTL day, close to home.
Lotsa climbing.
The big feat would be how much vert in 2 hours.
My metric, in case your wondering or comparing (never a good thing), is feet gained/miles ridden... anything over 100'/mile inmyhumbleopinyun is an honest climbing day.
What I didn't count on was finding a new path/road/trail... right above my dawgawn office. Jake probably knew (in answer to who knew?), but I didn't... and it made the feat that much better.
There's just something about HVY MTL... it's a bloodhound for new routes.
... which I freakin' love.
Along with all the lovin' was a whole lot of huffin' and puffin... I managed
4000' in 24 miles <- 166'/mile
My Florida friends couldn't do that if they hit the big overpass over and over.
My Rocky Mountain friends could do it on one big climb.
Took me 8 climbs, but that's how our town is...
...wildly challenging, dirt or road, like the Wild Child kits...
a wild place to ride... which probably inspired these designs.
Ride Your Bike!, tb
165 lbs
7 hours sleep
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