WE ALL KNOW THIS TO BE TRUE: If we eat right, regularly ride our bikes, get plenty of rest, then we age differently than many of our peers. We're a little like Benjamin Button, who aged in reverse...
... which is a dern fine thing.
I think use it or lose it is real. And, I think it's pretty obvious once you take note and look around a little.
I also think abuse it and lose it is real. Duh.
But, what about...
... use it and boost it?
Yep, that's real too... unless we are already at our max, and who really is?
However, I have to admit after a largish ride this afternoon I was feeling a lot more like baby Benjamin. A little creeky after 4ish hours, 60ish miles, 5000ish feet of vert mostly on dirt roads and single track.
... definitely used it today.
... data will tell if I boosted it.
For sure I was properly hydrated. Drinking like a boss from these fantastic Made in USA bottles I scored for us.
Picked up a few thousand, and they are going fast.
I really like the easy to squeeze plastic.
But don't take my word for it, watch the video
Normally I'd have some promo code, however this is already super sweet.
All prices include shipping..., crazy, right? Supplies are limited.
$7 for 1 bottle
$19 for 4 bottles
$ 48 for 12 bottles
$ 75 for 24 bottles
$100 for 48 bottles <- this option is going away Monday
Stretch and HyperVolt
7.5 hrs sleep