IT WAS NEVER MORE EVIDENT THAN THIS EVENING'S HOT LAPS. The rotating cast of speedsters that showed up tonight hit the first lap hard. PR and KOM hard. My advantage of knowing the trail was soon erased. I was reminded of the Japanese proverb...
... beginning is easy, continuing is hard.
None of us finished within a minute of each other. But, we kept charging all four laps. All finished huffing, puffing and blown.
That's hard.
But, we keep charging because some cats will...
get discouraged and ease up,
have a mechanical and quit,
forget to eat and bonk
crash and lose time...
... we know continuing is hard, and that's why we do it because it works.
You know what else works for recovery is this mix from Skratch... but, what I love about is how filling and satiating it is post ride.
I mix it before, so all I have to do is grab the bottle and chug...
... and bam, I'm full and not wanting to devour a pizza.
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7.2 hrs
Stretch and Hypervolt
Ride with us: