SANTA DONE BLOWED IT AGAIN... no new bike, not even a pair of bike socks. Instead, wrapped up addressed not just to me but Surfergirl as well, there was a gift that would leave me feeling like I needed to be in traction tonight...
... my butt hurts, my feet hurt and my knees are a tad tender.
What the heck was Santa thinking?
Tomorrow's gonna be miserable.
Why would he give me and Surfergirl a gift like this?
- We have to use muscles we never use by moving quickly side to side, rocketing forward and backward... and exploding upward of all things.
- Plus, we'll end up spending a lot more time together and socially with our non-cycling/surfing friends.
- To make it worse, there's always a winner and a loser. We're just gonna get a lot more competitive.
Who want's a gift like that?
I thought he would reward me for collaborating with him to make gifts for bike people...
... like this new Tour de France inspired bag we collaborated with Horton Collection.
Each panel of the bag features an authentic and historical picture I picked out for this bag. Just for you. It's truly one of a kind.
Check it out
Stretch HyperVolt
6 hrs - I gotta stop staying up late with the kids