BRETT HORTON TAUGHT ME TO SPRINT. He claimed he was a badass with San Jose Bicycle Club... and swore he was Specialized's first factory rider, on track bike serial number 1.
All true.
But, all I knew was I wanted to get a helluvalot faster.
And since he knew how to score with the ladies, he probably knew how to win on bikes.
Whether or not he taught me how to sprint I'll leave up to you... but this is indisputable:
Brett learned how to score cycling memorabilia, the very best, and built one of the world's largest collections.
His personal connections allow him to acquire the unobtainable.
For instance, Friday he's going to sit down with Bernard Hinault, the Badger... the freaking BADGER!...
... to sign 297 lithos (99 of 3 different images)...
... with personal inscriptions...
Want to impress the heck outta your cycling father-law? Blow away your big customer? Put the bow on your man cave?
Go here:
Don't delay... orders must be in by 6pm Thursday.
I talked to him this afternoon. He's in France, going to 6 day races before Friday's signing with Hinault... and he's pretty darn confident this will sell out.
I'll cover the US shipping on this... ping me if you are out of country.
Gym Work
8 hours sleep
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