THERE ARE LEGENDS, and then there's the rest of us. The difference isn't obvious if we're walking down the street or eating an ice cream cone...
.. it's clear when nobody is looking.
As hard as we may be struggling to regain our health,
or to reach a new level of performance,
you'd never know...
... just by looking at us.
To really know if we are a
or somebody...
... we'd have to be followed 24/7.
This quote hit me hard today.
"No matter how hard you train,
Somebody will train harder.
No matter how hard you run,
Somebody will run harder.
No matter how much you want it,
Somebody will want it more.
I am Somebody."
—Steve Prefontaine
Are we going to be Somebody?
162.8 lbs
9ish hrs sleep
No strength work.
10 minutes recovery
90 minutes reading + Journaling