TO BE OUTSTANDING, we have to be outrageous. Average, kinda good, somewhat committed, is not the way...
... champions think.
Outrageous always wins the day.
Innocent onlookers ask...
How far did you ride today?
About a hundred miles.
How fast can you go on your bike?
I've hit 63 mph.
Are you close to your early twenties weight?
Right on it.
Do you lift weights?
Every day.
For most people, any one of a dozen metrics that we consider normal...
... are completely outrageous.
I was reminded of that when my friend Nate texted the pic above. It's from 2001. His first Leadville, my third. He'll complete 20 this year...
... 20 in a row (no race in Covid), with belief shattering results.
That's outrageous.
My own 20 year goal of going under 9 hours at 60 has kept me in shape all these years. Only a handful have pulled it off...
... and I've made it completely outrageous this year by shooting for sub-8.
In the process of setting outrageous goals, we make all kinds of discoveries about ourselves and what we are capable of.
It's easy, so easy, to look back at the breakthroughs and wonder why I didn't try this before?
That's not the point.
The point is to be outrageous...
... as outrageous as possible, every day going forward.
One of the outrageous things I wanted to do this year was create the most incredible tech t...
... after many iterations and alterations, using the same incredible Italian fabric we use on our jerseys...
... we've done it.
It's amazing.
I'll be adding more colors to the link below... I had to launch the PRs > KOMs first because...
... you know I'm all about PRs.
We've been getting rave reviews from the teams who have ordered for off the bike, on the podium.
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Body Water 61.2
just pushups today
30 minutes recovery
90 minutes reading + Journaling