WHAT IF ALL THE TIME WE PUT IN, in the saddle, could be improved by spending a few minutes a day doing mental work? Would it be worth it? Would you do it, or...
... are you too headstrong?
Some people are saying...
... If there isn't a scientific study, can't be worthy of my time.
But, for those who are open to new ideas...
... I think there are neuromuscular connections we often over look.
For example, pedaling with one leg clipped in using a very easy gear on flat or nearly flat ground will quickly identify any dead spots in our pedal stroke. If we have one...
... doing that exercise several times a week reaps huge rewards.
There was a time, when I'd do that for the first minute or so of each ride. 30 seconds, each leg.
I've blogged ad nauseam about the amazing results I'm having with these 4 exercises:
- Sled
- Nordic Curls
- Toe Raise
- Calf Raise
And, I can't overemphasize developing the discipline of looking only where you want to go, which I screwed up tonight and followed the wrong line into the bushes - pic above.
Here's the dill, to be head strong...
... we must allow time to do its thing and cement in the good practices.
8 hrs
1 Rip On RaceDay Circuit
10 minutes recovery
60 minutes reading + Journaling