WHY DO SOME PEOPLE ACT LIKE there is a gigantic barrier between courage and discretion. There's not. It's a fine line. If we are to improve by any measurable amount...
... we must balance precariously and charge forth.
This is truth.
Failure is going to happen when...
- going for an impossible PR
- experimenting with new training
- carving the curves so hard we start to slide
... if we are going to improve.
Because failure gives us that needed feedback to...
... learn what we need to learn to improve.
Now don't go doing some idiotic Evilknevil stunt.
But, push.
Push a lot.
Every failure teaches us,
we adjust,
So push.
Push through...
- fear
- pain
- limits
... and reach our next impossible.
As the great Tom Watson, founder of IBM at the time the premier computing company on the planet, preached to his engineers...
... Fail faster.
We have 5 days to ride the New Year's Resolution madness, and all year to make it happen.
162.9 lbs
8ish hrs sleep (9:45 pm-6am)
PullUps PushUps only
5 minutes recovery
120 minutes reading + Journaling