TODAY DIDN'T TURN OUT AS PLANNED. What was supposed to be a ride with my pals, turned out to be 50 miles of soloing, all because I disrespected the course...
... and didn't pre-check my bike!
The Filthy 50 is always challenging for me. It's late in the year and I'm ready to play, not ready to slay. We were committed to do it and ride together and enjoy the beautiful course and see the peeps.
But, someone didn't check his electric remote wireless shifter and a full 1/4 mile into the course realized...
... I got no shifting.
Fortunately, in my RaceDay Bag™ I carry a few extra batteries: the 2032 that powers my chest strap also powers my shift lever. I hustled back.
12 minutes later, after hundreds left the start line,
I finally left,
which left me with a clean and clear course.
I could have been hacked off at my mishap. I wasn't. There was zero intention to race today. Honestly, I think it made my day even better.
That was the hill I set out to climb, a nice day on the bike.
All that to ask this question...
... are you climbing the right hill?
You could gift a friend the 2032 batteries... inside
a personalized RaceDay Bag™
and, a dedicated Way of The RACER book.
I have a special link for our Stock Designs with a personalization option... it's hidden to the unwashed masses, but I'm sharing it with you.
Get on this before it's too late->
Go here:
Whatever name you type in will be printed... so be creative!
Use this promo code to save a few bucks -> PERSONAL
Custom bags require about 3 week, so order now to have in time for the holidays...
... we'll do our magic...
... and you'll have one extremely stoked friend that is blown away by your very personal generosity.
Trust me, there's nothing better.
Use this promo code to save a few bucks -> PERSONAL
Plus... I'll also add a signed The Way of The Racer book to your gift.
Go here:
Should out to Wrench House for helping me swap batteries!
Changing poncho in the wild
Yeah, I ate two of these.
165ish? slept at race
5.5 hrs Sleep got their late
10 PullUps 20 PushUps
Stretch + Hypervolt
10 minutes reading books + journaling