THE FIRST THING THEY DID was check my vitals. They wanted to know if I was in good enough shape to receive the treatment. I just wanted to see if...
... if my body was as freaked out as me.
Me: How are the vitals lookin'?
Nurse: Are you a runner?
... my thoughts: apparently not, because I sure didn't outrun this...
Me: I ride my bike some.
Yes, I downplayed it because nobody gets what we do, right?!
But, maybe they should because it feels right nice to see these numbers and know they aren't by accident.
Meaning, heaven forbid, we find ourselves in this situation, it's dang nice to know we are ready to withstand the procedure.
Next, docs...
- numbed me
- knocked me out,
- screwed a jig into my skull
... to hold my head in place for MRI and surgery
Here is where God winked at me.
The tech operating the MRI looked familiar,
asked me if I knew how she was,
yep, I see her every Sunday.
As I slid into the machine, tears flowed down my face...
... I wasn't alone.
Next, I had a 2 hour wait for the gamma knife...
... my chance to crush all pros with a Bruce Bannon experience of my own.
72 minutes later, apparently brain radiation is precise,
I was back on my own two feet.
Me: How'd it go?
Doc: As expected, now go home and forget about it.
So, I did,
and will clear the thoughts asap.
- finding the right medical solution takes work
- the insurance situation is a clown show
- still had to pay cash
... hours on the phone every day for months.
- live healthy
- do our check ups
- follow up on oddities
... had I taken action sooner I could have preserved more of my hearing, and had fewer minor issues
- January brain injury discovers growing, non-cancerous tumor before the symptoms get a lot worse
- getting nowhere on good options, my pal Sten Kramer recommends
- Dr Duma, who is a leader in this field and just a few miles away
... are happening all the time.
Thank you for all the prayers, support and good vibes and thoughts...
... it makes a difference,
regardless of the outcome.
See ya soon!
166.2 lbs
6' 0"
45 beats per minute
99% blood oxygen
111/71 blood pressure
100% likelihood of returning to beast mode
20% chance of harnessing beast on demand (no change there)