MY VIDEOGRAPHER CAME OVER TODAY TO SHOOT the RaceDay Ready work out. We shot it start to finish...
... it takes about 15 minutes.
Unlike what every other gooroo is telling you to do...
- get to the gym
- 2x per week
- 6-10 reps
- 3 sets
... we spend 15 minutes a day.
I followed the gurus.
When I followed the gooroos, my legs were smoked so I couldn't to an effective riding...
... and by the time I started to see results the gooroos said to back it way down or stop.
Cameraguy isn't a rider or runner, so he didn't totally understand when I explained the benefit of each exercise in regards to developing power on the bike.
When we were done, 14ish minutes later I asked him...
Whadaya think?
I wanna do it.
Mission accomplished.
7 hrs
1 RaceDay Ready Strenght Circuits
20 minutes recovery
60 minutes reading + Journaling