PEDALposse MEMBER GARY T'S RECOMMENDATION TO BE A LOW CARB ATHLETE GOT ME THINKING, but only after I picked up Ben Greenfield's book on the subject. It's a quick read, so much so that it is filled with a lot of recipes I'll never use...
... except this recipe.
Not because of Ben's research on the subject, but because of Gary's success, which he shared with me at The Crusher.
Whether or not being a low carb athlete would be successful for you or me is not the point at all. The point I want to make, and the one 98% of humans don't want to hear is...
... it only works for those with self-discipline.
You have it, right?
You say no to pancakes swimming in syrup and moist cookies with giant chocolate chips...
... oh, the list is long, so let me simplify it.
We, 100% of humans, are athletes. As athletes we perform properly in all endeavors - not best or fastest, properly - when we eat food that strengthens, not poisons us.
Ben postulates we'll do better as low carb athletes. If that's of interest, buy the book. Digest it, and implement it. At the very least, test the concepts out...
... Gary did and it's working great for him.
Me, I find sticking to non-processed food is darn close to what Ben is recommending.
Funny thing is, once we go down the roads and trails of eating like athletes...
... it's a piece of cake to say No to cake.
By the way, I do love natural maple syrup. And Yes, I do eat pancakes when fueling up...
... but the syrup, I've been mainlining it on longer rides.
Storing it in this flask from Hammer.
Something else you may want to test out, eh?
Use promo code LOWCARB
The code is good on everything you find on the link below... oh, and the flask is down a bit on that link.
6 hrs - never easy for me to sleep after evening race
Stretch and HyperVolt