IF YOU HAD A CHANCE to ride with your top training pal from 10 years ago, would you? Make it happen? Do whatever it takes?...
... let nothing get in the way?
This pal, retired from the sport.
The horror!
But, every now and again, I can coax him back on his bike and we spend some good time catching up...
... the wonderful two-wheeled way.
We rolled from his place,
through some dirt,
to a bike trail.
I promptly managed to get a fish hook in my tire.
pulled it out.
The magic of tubeless,
it sealed.
Not 90 seconds later I hit a perfectly place piece of gravel,
and punctured the tire.
Big hole.
Put in a plug,
aired it up,
no luck.
Put in another plug,
aired it up,
no go.
I'm outta air at this point,
but I must have taught him well because he's prepared.
Put in a third plug,
air it up...
... we're off, and riding.
There was no way we weren't doing this ride...
... now if I can just lure him back into riding regularly.
I miss hanging out with my oldest, son.
8 hrs sleep
1 Rip On RaceDay Circuit + extra squats
20 minutes recovery
90 minutes reading + Journaling