GRAVEL RACING ALWAYS BRINGS adventure. Most the time, we meet a bunch of new people, and discover miles of new terrain, neither of which...
... we've ever seen before.
And, that's the problem.
Not the people.
The terrain.
Well, kinda the people...
... the ones in charge of the dern thang.
Just today we were chatting about the Big Bear 50.
Last year, the course was...
- pretty fun
- mostly well marked
- from asphalt to gravel to single track
... sign me up for that again.
Just don't sign me up for the lack of signs the last 5 miles.
5ish miles to go and all we could see were course markers for the other events going on the same day.
Which would be really really really sketchy if it was 25 miles out,
and we were in the middle of nowhere.
Oh, and we were unprepared.
But, I wasn't.
Neither was Smiley T.
Each of us had downloaded the course and simple pulled that page up on our bike computers.
On we went.
But, that's just the kinda thing ya gotta be ready for when racing in the wild. Because there's no...
- Street signs
- Landmarks
- Uber
... not really anything new.
We love...
- Adventure
- Nature
- Risk
... and jump at every opportunity to be tested.
7 hrs sleep
PushUps and PullUps
20 minutes recovery
120 minutes reading + Journaling