ON A BIKE RIDE, YEARS AGO, I MET A MAN TRYING TO BUILD THE STATUE OF RESPONSIBILITY ON THE WEST COAST to balance the Statue of Liberty on the East Coast. It wasn't his idea, it's Victor Frankl's, he was tasked/called to make it happen...
... I wanted to know more.
Frankl's book, Man's Search For Meaning, had, and continues to have, a great impact on my thinking. In fact, I would say it is the basis of my belief that PRs are better than KOMs...
... why I'm always happy with any race result as long as my best efforts were given.
But, that's not Responsibility.
The statue is based on the concept that we have a responsibility to reach down and help those who need a hand.
It's beatiful,
I think this is a noble idea. However, I propose it should be anchored with the wisdom of another great man I learned about after a ride once, talking to my friend Dan...
The best thing you can do for me is to take care of you.
- Jim Rohn.
We all have the liberty to ride bikes.
We have a responsibility to maintain them, ride safely and carry the appropriate tools and nutrition to complete a successful outing...
... at least you do if you want to ride with me.
Accidents will happen, parts will fail, food will be forgotten and those of us who can will help out...
... much more willingly if you've done your part.
Funny thing is, the best help never comes from a sense of duty or responsibility or coercion...
... it comes from love.
Maybe we need a Statue of Love in the center of the country.
What if we had a new RAAM route, from Responsibility through Love to Liberty?
Here's what I'd be fueling with on such a ride.
8.5 hrs
10 PullUps 20 PushUps + Gym work
20 min Stretch and HyperVolt
Ride with us: https://www.strava.com/clubs/pedalindustries