I'VE BEEN UP AT 7000' for about three days. This morning I awoke with a stuffy nose, a headache, and just not feeling great. Crap!. Am I sick...
... is my A race in 10 days going to get foiled.
My negative thoughts were ill-founded.
I'd forgotten one of the great rules to performing at altitude...
- 3 seconds prior is good
- 3 weeks prior is even better
- 3 days prior is the worst thing ever
... we have to time it right.
While everyone reacts differently,
most of us feel the worst on the 3rd day.
It's an inescapable fact,
for me.
Maybe for you, too?
What can be done?
The only cures I know of are...
- time
- aspirin
- Cardio-wise®
... got any other ideas?
8 hrs
PushUps (traveling)
10 minutes recovery
90 minutes reading + Journaling