THOUSANDS OF ATHLETES, and only a few hundred winners. Most trained their guts out for hours, days, weeks, months, years, then...
... left empty-handed.
There are three kinds of winners, those...
- with medals
- who recognized the journey is a win
- and, a few who are supremely hacked off!
... they're all awesome.
If you missed the final 3 minutes of the USA v France Men's Basketball,
watch it!
Steph goes off,
4 well-guarded and unstoppable 3's.
It's the kinda thing that if you're on the receiving end...
... gives lasting memories.
The kind that haunt,
and hurt.
Spawning quotes like this delivered from France's Wembanyama...
... I'm learning, and I'm worried for the opponents in a couple of years.
Like life,
the games don't always go as planned...
... winners get right back to planning!
7.5 hrs
Quick PullUps, PushUps, Deadlifts
30 minutes recovery
180 minutes reading + Journaling