IN PREPARATION FOR BUILDING UP THE NEW QUIVER KILLER, I stripped a brand new chain. That's not too novel. Lots of smart people do that...
... remove the factory's sticky protectant.
What I did next took 5 days...
- filled up a ziploc bag with WEND wax lube
- dropped chain in there
- let it saturate
... the results are somewhat astonishing.
I've now logged 244 miles in 5 days.
(I must love this bike.)
The drivetrain is...
- nearly friction free
- squeaky clean
- silent
... still as sexy as when we met.
Planning to hit dirt for the first time tomorrow,
just gotta get gravel wheels runnin'.
I imagine after that it's somewhat dirty,
and probably making some noise.
Gonna be tempting to do that every few weeks...
- strip
- dip
... can't say enough about this method or this lube.
7 hrs sleep
PushUps and PullUps and Squats
10 minutes recovery
60 minutes reading + Journaling