AIN'T NOTHIN' WRONG WITH N+1 when it comes to bikes.  We've all got our eye on something, needed or not.  That's how I wound up with a gravel bike, which I love.  But...

... N+1 isn't always the right answer.

After my brain injury, I was having trouble with my eyes tracking correctly.

It was annoying.

The gravel riding around here is pretty rocky, which was made extra challenging as my brain is healing.

I'd hit the rough stuff, 
and the eyes would scramble.

Not the best feeling when you're flying downhill.

I had a HUGE breakthrough on Monday, right before my surgery.

My son came over for a quick MTB ride,
I think he thought it could be the last one, 
and wanted to get dropped by the old man one more time.

Anyway, we're bombing down this single track that I hit all the time on my gravel bike and...

  • my eyes are steady
  • I have way better control
  • going much faster than on gravel bike

... I realize, the MTB is much better suited to rough and rocky single track.


Now, you might be thinking Of course it is ya dummy!

Which is exactly what I was thinking.

Here's the thing.

It's not N+1...

  • I love road
  • gravel
  • mtb

... it's which 1 is right for the terrain.

And, that's my dirty secret
I like all kinds of terrain
and challenges.


171.5 (anxiety eating  uh-oh!)
6.5 hrs sleep 
PullUps, PushUps, Squats
20 minutes recovery
90 minutes reading + Journaling  
