AHHH, THE BIRTHDAY RIDE. Happens once a year for all of us, sometimes even on a Saturday. We have this old guy...
... and today was his day.
The Gentleman (not the old guy) politely stated, I'd like to find a bathroom before we meet up with the group.
Censoring laws prohibit a direct quote, but the old guy went on about some Play-doh reference...
... some people never group up!
We're all guilty of that by my reckoning.
Long beyond using bikes for transportation, we meet up at the corner for the weekly rip around town. And, it's a dern fine thing...
... ain't it?
We rode 90ish miles today, 6000' of vert, over 19mph.
Who does that?
Do you want to go for a 90 mile drive around town?
Do you want to ride for 5 hours, max your heartrate, come home and collapse on the couch?
We do that.
Every year for as long as we can...
... which is why I probably still crack poop jokes.
After a few frustrating finishes in March, I was feeling burned out and unsure of Sea Otter next weekend. But, Hot Laps Wednesday felt great...
... and today felt even better.
I took it very easy M, T, Th, F and got after it W and S. That is polarized training, and just what I needed this week.
Stephen Seiler posted this link on Twitter, and I highly recommend it...
... it's long, but worth it.
I also highly recommend DZ Nutz for long rides like today.
If I was 60 I'd crack a joke on where to apply this wonder ointment...
... but, the name is pretty good as it it.
If you're part of RaceDay Ready, use your 25% off code.
165.1 (oops)
7 hrs
0 Pull Ups + 0 Power PushUps + 0 Heavy Squats
30 minutes recovery
0 minutes reading + Journaling